撰文/张泽坤 Written by Alan


香奈儿时尚设计师卡尔·拉格斐不仅是时装界的翘楚和著名摄影大师,更是热衷于跨界的设计师。在2015年亲自参与原建于1758年的巴黎地标Hotel de Crillon酒店翻新设计工程。巴黎Hotel de Crillon作为享誉全球的瑰丽酒店旗下重要项目,卡尔·拉格斐以其别具慧眼的设计触觉、对顶尖工艺的追求和复兴历史的独特理念,为充满悠久历史的地标建筑设计两间套房,被称为“宏伟公寓”。
除了有名的设计师,在国外产业链上下游企业也纷纷玩起了跨界。West Elm 是个创办于 2003 年的美国中高端家居品牌,现时100 家门店,其 CEO Jim Brett 认为继续开店并不能保证公司销售的增长,理由是很多零售品牌因开太多门店而导致倒闭,因此,公司大胆决定跨界住宿业,并热衷以已有历史建筑,改造成精品酒店以吸引人气。就如在萨凡纳市的 West Elm酒店就是由上世纪中叶的建筑改造的,这些酒店的设计、装修和营销都会由 West Elm 负责,具体运营则由酒店运营公司 DDK 负责。每个酒店的装饰和家具就是West Elm 的产品,并邀请当地设计师和艺术家在门店内进行产品销售,看上产品的顾客可以通过网站或者 app 购买。

齐集设计师的Lifestyle lab 是铂涛集团面向追求多样高端住宿体验消费者所推出的“全球生活方式体验中心”,拥有来自包括享誉国际的艺术酒店 H12在内的高端酒店品牌,并力求以每个品牌的独特之处,传递不同的核心理念。H12是12位来自本土或者全球的艺术家在房间、公共开放空间打造出独特的艺术体验,并且对选址从不设置限定,比如说肯尼亚60千米私人海滩上的狩猎小屋,大象栖息地;澳大利亚距离悉尼两个小时独特的葡萄园风光;南非白犀牛保护区;上海横沙岛;武汉附近拥有22座温泉的长寿谷;及能远眺意大利和斯洛文尼亚的奥地利滑雪胜地,这些都是设计师将旧物翻新改造后高品质的酒店体验。
“中心旗下每一家酒店都具有独一无二的生活艺术格调,在这里,酒店可以是城市中的度假胜地,或是废旧的工厂,在长江三角洲小岛上你废弃的旧军事掩体,又或是可以狩猎的度假小屋,山顶的滑雪胜地,通过对个性化产品的翻新改造,加上私人化的服务,都成为酒店的亮点。”Lifestyle Lab CEO 兼 H12 创始人及 CEO Walter Junger 先生在接受采访时表示,虽然跨国设计师的团队合作,会存在文化上的差异,但经过房间的模组化组合搭配,相信设计师会有一致审美的共识,创造出中西方的融合之作。

Renovation brings second life to the hospitality industry. Just as it takes agonies for caterpillars to turn into butterflies, renovation of hotels from older hotels or non-lodging buildings, takes the passionate aesthetic exchange between the architect and the project, breeding legends out of this stage of theirs.
Campaign of Passion
Hotel renovation can be compared to a campaign initiated by owners and guided by architects. In this day of home-sharing, it is little known that many architects are heading for this stage of their, even if it means living life in uncertainty.
The renovation projects they take, their “stage”, start out looking like goners. Jian Dan of Shanshui Boutique Hotel explains, the architect spiritually connects himself to the architect who designed the original building. There are a lot to consider: the owner/investor’s vision, their niche market, etc. Function always comes first, character second, and then human-friendliness. Dan adds that the three requirements cannot be dealt with one at a time. Though one is more important than another, an architect should have them in mind all the time.
There are professional hotel renovation studios, yet many architects out there chose to work on their own as contractors. One of them is Wan Fuchen, who has a special liking for Zen culture, hoping to please himself innately and relinquish that which is frivolous. He said, before an architect design something excellent, before he can offer his best to his client, he designs himself.
Hotel Design Is More About Creativity Than Exclusiveness
Hotel design require so much creativity that it doesn’t have to be professionals who are to design hotels successfully. Originally built in 1753, the Hôtel de Crillon was once a landmark of Paris. Karl Lagerfeld, a household name in fashion design, a photographer, set out to design two suites of Hôtel de Crillon in 2015. West Elm, a furniture manufacturer since 2003. Later with 100 retails, its CEO Jim Brett dismiss the idea of going on and instead turned to hospitality industry. They reshape existing buildings into boutique hotels. West Elm does all the renovation work, plus providing furnishings.
Global Showcase
Apart from crossover involvement in renovation, another trend presents in hotel design: multi-national cooperation. The Plateno Lifestyle Lab, for example, has a collection of high-end hotels. Labeling itself as “global centre to experience lifestyles”, each of its brands are unique in essence. One of its brands H12 is a showcase of 12 artistic by 12 artists from around the world. Each of their unique hotels are a work renovated.
Walter Junger, CEO of Plateno’s Lifestyle Lab and creator of H12 introduces, Lifestyle Lab features hotels as downtown paradise, an old factory house, a former military base on an island in the Yangtze, a ski resort… through renovation, their original forms make the highlight.
Campaign of Passion
Hotel renovation can be compared to a campaign initiated by owners and guided by architects. In this day of home-sharing, it is little known that many architects are heading for this stage of their, even if it means living life in uncertainty.
The renovation projects they take, their “stage”, start out looking like goners. Jian Dan of Shanshui Boutique Hotel explains, the architect spiritually connects himself to the architect who designed the original building. There are a lot to consider: the owner/investor’s vision, their niche market, etc. Function always comes first, character second, and then human-friendliness. Dan adds that the three requirements cannot be dealt with one at a time. Though one is more important than another, an architect should have them in mind all the time.
There are professional hotel renovation studios, yet many architects out there chose to work on their own as contractors. One of them is Wan Fuchen, who has a special liking for Zen culture, hoping to please himself innately and relinquish that which is frivolous. He said, before an architect design something excellent, before he can offer his best to his client, he designs himself.
Hotel Design Is More About Creativity Than Exclusiveness
Hotel design require so much creativity that it doesn’t have to be professionals who are to design hotels successfully. Originally built in 1753, the Hôtel de Crillon was once a landmark of Paris. Karl Lagerfeld, a household name in fashion design, a photographer, set out to design two suites of Hôtel de Crillon in 2015. West Elm, a furniture manufacturer since 2003. Later with 100 retails, its CEO Jim Brett dismiss the idea of going on and instead turned to hospitality industry. They reshape existing buildings into boutique hotels. West Elm does all the renovation work, plus providing furnishings.
Global Showcase
Apart from crossover involvement in renovation, another trend presents in hotel design: multi-national cooperation. The Plateno Lifestyle Lab, for example, has a collection of high-end hotels. Labeling itself as “global centre to experience lifestyles”, each of its brands are unique in essence. One of its brands H12 is a showcase of 12 artistic by 12 artists from around the world. Each of their unique hotels are a work renovated.
Walter Junger, CEO of Plateno’s Lifestyle Lab and creator of H12 introduces, Lifestyle Lab features hotels as downtown paradise, an old factory house, a former military base on an island in the Yangtze, a ski resort… through renovation, their original forms make the highlight.
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